Who is the the SGA?

The SGA is composed of full-time, undergraduate Champlain students who were either elected or appointed by the student body.

  • 1. The President chairs Cabinet meetings, nominates Cabinet members and serves as a liaison to administration
    2. The Vice President chairs House of Representatives meetings and the Bylaws Committee
    3. The Director of Finance chairs the Finance Committee, manages the SGA budget and approves expenditures
    4. The Director of Operations records minutes for House of Representative and Cabinet meetings and serves as the office manager
    5. The Director of Clubs coordinates with SGA-funded clubs, maintains club information and hosts training for club leaders
    6. The Director of Communications maintains and updates the SGA website, email and social media pages, in order to publicize the actions of SGA
    7. The Director of Wellbeing & Diversity chairs the Diversity Committee and meets regularly with organizations such as the Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) and the Women’s & Gender Center to work to make Champlain College a more inclusive space. 
  • 1. Allocates grant funding during House of Representatives meetings
    2. Engages and communicates with their constituents throughout each semester during office hours
    3. Serves on institutional committees as requested
    4. Hosts events on campus

How is the SGA involved in Clubs

  • We oversee and help manage SGA sponsored clubs. Each semester clubs that are affiliated with SGA will receive a budget allocated by the House of Representatives to operate.
  • Champlain College’s annual costs for full-time undergraduate students include a $120 Activity Fee. The Student Activity Fee is used by the SGA to provide per-semester budgets to club and student activities accordingly.

How do I contact the SGA?

  • Every SGA member is available during their Office Hours in Hearthstone (IDX 303, across from the IDX entrance). Hearthstone is an open environment where all Champlain students are welcome, whether you have questions regarding the SGA or need a space to do homework or relax. Follow our instagram @champlainsga for more opportunittees to meet with SGA members.

  • The SGA holds House of Representatives meetings every Wednesday at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM in Ireland 112. These meetings are open to any students or faculty who would like to attend to see their student government in action. If you are unable to attend, but would still like to know what goes on at meetings, you can view the monthly minutes on the Archives page.

  • If you are looking to reach out via email, the Cabinet member emails can be found at the People Overview page.

What is a grant?

  • The SGA Grant Fund is designed to financially support Champlain College students for expenditures such as conference attendances, campus events, or personal projects, which benefit the Champlain College community.

    If you wish to apply for a grant please visit the Grant Page and complete the form.

  • The House of Representatives determines how the grant funds are distributed. Grant approvals are discussed at every other weekly House Meeting, which takes place every Wednesday at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM in Ireland 112.

How do I start a club?

  • Starting a club requires one Club Head, nine interested Champlain College students, and one faculty advisor. In addition, the new club’s activities must align with the College’s Standards of Conduct.
    If you wish to start a club please visit the Club Page and complete the Club Registration Form.

Do SGA Members get Paid?

  • Determined by the House of Representatives at the time of their appointment
  • $500 stipend annually
  • $2,000 stipend annually
  • $3,000 stipend annually

How do I become a part of SGA?

  • The Student Government Association has positions available for election and appointment every school year. For information regarding available positions, please contact the Director of Operations.