Uncategorized January 6, 2024 Include hosts weekly gatherings for LGBTQ+ students and allies to come hang out (as well as possibly some additional activities on top of that). This club provides a safe, welcoming space for any student involved in the queer community. Some activities we have done at club meetings in the past include video games, board games, chess, PowerPoint presentation nights, pizza parties, and nail painting. Email us at include@champlain.edu!Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/B2nKuByCInstagram: @champinclude Club Leader: Ann McMullen, meghyn.mcmullen@mymail.champlain.eduClub Leader: Reece Hoskyns, reece.hoskyns@mymail.champlain.eduAdvisor: Alex Martin, Women’s and Gender Center Program Coordinator, amartin@champlain.edu