Uncategorized January 5, 2024 Hearthlight is a club where students meet twice a week to engage in physical activities using foam props. The main activities include games such as capture the flag and red-light green light. The main priority of the club is everyone’s safety followed by inclusion and fun. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come participate or watch. It’s a great place to meet and talk to upperclassmen. Email us at jacob.davis@mymail.champlain.edu!Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/jxM97rdSUP Club President: Jacob Davis, jacob.davis@mymail.champlain.eduVice President: Charles Ward, charles.ward01@mymail.champlain.eduAdvisor: Kel Bachus, Assistant Professor, kbachus@champlain.eduOfficers: Noah Thompson, Isaac HesselRobinson, Andrew Flood, Taeryn Mckinstry